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ActiveXperts Network Component TraceRoute Object

TraceRoute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's time to live (TTL) field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to the host.

The TraceRoute object is part of the Network Component. Overview of all Network Component objects:

DnsServer & DnsRecord - Ftp & FtpFile - Http - Icmp - IPtoCountry - Msn - Ntp - Radius - Rsh - Scp - SFtp - Ssh - SnmpManager - SnmpTrapManager - SnmpMibBrowser - Tcp - Tftp - TraceRoute - Udp - Xen - Wake-on-LAN - Xen (Citrix)

TraceRoute Sample code

VBScript sample: TraceRoute sample

  Dim objTraceRt, objHop

  Set objTraceRt = CreateObject("ActiveXperts.TraceRoute")  ' Create a traceroute instance
  objTraceRt.ResolveHostName = True
  objTraceRt.MaxHops = 30

  Set objHop = objTraceRt.FindFirstHop( strHost )   ' Find first hop to
  If( objTraceRt.LastError <> 0 ) Then
     WScript.Echo "FindFirstHop failed, error #" & objTraceRt.LastError
    While( objTraceRt.LastError = 0 )
      WScript.Echo "#" & objHop.Hop & ", IP:" & objHop.IP & " [" & objHop.Host &_
                   "], Time:" & objHop.ResponseTime & "ms"
      Set objHop = objTraceRt.FindNextHop           ' Find next hop to
  End If

You can download the full samples here.