Knowledge Base FAQ Item #7580020
Q7580020: Pager/DTMF notifications are missing in the latest version I downloaded. Has paging through DTMF been eliminated?
Paging through dialup/DTMF was available until version 7.1. It later versions, it has been replaced by SMS notifications. However, it is still possible to make use of Paging/DTMF, but only by the use of a custom action script.
To define Pager notifications for a specific check, please do the following:
- Click on the check's properties, and select the 'Actions' tab;
- Enable 'Run VBScript when Check fails', and select the 'Pager.vbs' script>;
- Make modifivcations to the script: change the STR_DEVICE and STR_DIALNUMBER constants to meet your requirements.
After that, Pager notifications work as they used to in earlier versions of Network Monitor.
(viewed: 735)