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Knowledge Base FAQ Item #7120010


Q7120010: I'm having problems monitoring Terminal Services on a remote server. How can I troubleshoot?

ActiveXperts uses WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to collect data about (remote) Windows computers. WMI is part of Windows operating systems and installed by default.
Please check out the following:

  1. Check the Services applet on the monitoring server and monitored server to verify that the WMI services are indeed running.
  2. Make sure that firewall settings are not prevent you from accessing the remote computer through WMI.

Windows ships with the WMIC command line utility ('Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line'). Use this utility to check if WMI is working fine and to check credentials.

  1. Try to query the Termian Serivces counter on the monitoring machine:
    WMIC /node:localhost PATH Win32_PerfRawData_LocalSessionManager_TerminalServices GET ActiveSessions, InactiveSessions, TotalSessions
  2. Use the same command from a console window on the monitored server:
    WMIC /node:localhost PATH Win32_PerfRawData_LocalSessionManager_TerminalServices GET ActiveSessions, InactiveSessions, TotalSessions
  3. Finally, run the command from the monitoring server to check CPU usage on the monitored server:
    WMIC /node:computername /user:user /password:password PATH Win32_PerfRawData_LocalSessionManager_TerminalServices GET ActiveSessions, InactiveSessions, TotalSessions
(viewed: 699)