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Knowledge Base FAQ Item #6910010


Q6910010: My ICMP/TCP check is not working. How can I troubleshoot?

First of all, make sure you make only one request at a time. You can set this value in the ICMP/TCP Check configuration window. You should use '1' because some servers may block your request when there are too many requests in a short time.
For the same reason, decrease your Check Frequence interva and set it to '1'.

If that does not help, try the built-in Windows TELNET utility from the command-line on the monitoring server to troubleshoot, like this:

  • Open a new command prompt on the monitoring server;
  • Type:
    TELNET , e.g.:
    TELNET myserver.northwindtraders.intra 3389
  • If a blank screen appears, the connection was established successfully

The Windows TELNET utility is not installed by default, but is part of the distribiotn files of Windows. To install TELNET, start a new command prompt in Admin mode and type:
dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

(viewed: 600)