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Knowledge Base FAQ Item #6830060


Q6830060: How to setup a trap based alarm in ActiveXperts?

As the Trap OID is not unique to the sensor, but is used for all sensors, there must be another way to distinguish the sensor. We do this by constructing a regular expression, accepting/not accepting the received SNMP Trap.

For example, if you have a Door Sensor and a Motion sensor (both are Switch Sensors) on a Room Alert 32S device with IP, this is what needs to be done:

  • In the AVTech Room Alert device settings, make sure both sensors have unique descriptions defined. For instance 'SwitchSensor01: Door Sensor' and 'SwitchSensor02: 'Motion Sensor';
  • In the AVTech Room Alert device settings, make sure a trap is sent out on failure. Make sure it is sent to the IP address of the ActiveXperts monitoring server;
  • In the ActiveXperts Manager, create a new Check for the Door sensor by selecting [Environmental Monitoring]->'Any Check (SNMP Trap based)'
  • Use the following parameters in the configuration dialog: Accept Trap(s) from host:
    Accept OID Sym/Num:
    Accept Only if Data Value matches following Regular Expression: .*Door.*, or ^.*SwitchSensor01.*$
  • Leave all other fields default
  • Create a new Check in the same way, but make sure the regular expression is different, e.g.: ^.*Motion.*$
(viewed: 685)