Q7740100: Is it recommended to migrate the Statistical Database to Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL?
ActiveXperts uses an MS Server Compact Database (.sdf) by default:
C:\ProgramData\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Stats\Stats.sdf
There are four modules that make use of the statistical database:
Full Report module
Instant Report module (accessible from the Manager's context menu)
Instant Graph Form module (accessible from the Manager's context menu)
Instant Graph Browser module (accessible from the Manager's context menu)
All of the above modules use complex SQL queries to retrieve th...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical DatabaseQ7740120: Is there any performance difference between MS SQL Server and MS SQL Server Express Edition?
MS SQL Server is faster than MS SQL Server Express Edition and can handle more records. It is strongly recommended to migrate your statistical database to either MS SQL Server or MS SQL Server Express Edition to boost the performance of the reporting and graphing tools.
MS SQL Server provides more robust performance optimization mechanisms, such as query optimization, indexing options, and query execution plans conmpared to MS SQL Server Compact Edition.
These features allow SQL Server to handle co...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740154: When I create a new Graph, there is a note saying "The Statistical Database is based on an SQL Compact Edition database. This slows down the creation of a History View. It is strongly recommended to migrate this database to MS SQL Server or MySQL using the 'Report and Graphs Configuration Tool' to boost performance".
Why is it?
See FAQ #7740100.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740160: When I create a new (Instant) Report, there is a warning "There's a large number of records in the ReportData table of the Statistical Database, based on SQL Server Compact. This slows down the creation of a reports. It is strongly recommended to migrate this database to MS SQL Server or MySQL".
Why is it?
See FAQ #7740100.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740150: When I create a new (Instant) Report, there is a note saying "The Statistical Database is based on an SQL Compact Edition database. This slows down the creation of a report or graph. It is strongly recommended to migrate this database to MS SQL Server or MySQL using the 'Report and Graphs Configuration Tool' to boost performance".
Why is it?
See FAQ #7740100.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740220: On generating a Graph, we get error 20005: "Unable to open database connection". How can we fix this error?
There can be various reasons for this. ActiveXperts provides tools to troubleshoot such problems.
First of all, check the status of the connection in the Reports&Graphs Configration Tool:
In the Manager, open the 'Tools->Reports&Graphs' from the menu bar and launch the 'Reports&Graphs Configuration' tool
Check out the status line at the bottom of the 'Statistical Database' tab; it displays a detailed error - if any. In case of an error, you'll be able to adjust your settings in this tab.
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740210: My Activity View frequently shows the following messages: "SYSTEM ERROR: Query failed: [INSERT INTO GraphData( TimeSecs ) VALUES( 0 )]; Modify failed, error 0x80040E14 error #3092: One or more errors during processing of command." and also "SYSTEM ERROR: Query failed: [SELECT * FROM ReportData WHERE ID=x]; Open failed, error 0x80030070, The is insufficient disk space to complete operation."
The reason for this problem is, that the maximum size of the statistics database file has exceeded. Although the maximum size for SQL Compact .SDF files is 4GB, the database driver uses a default maximum of 256MB.
This 256MB limit can be increased by specifying a limit in the connnection string in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
The following patch script sets the limit to 4GB. Simple run the script on the machine that has the Network Monitor engine installed:
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740170: When I create a new (Instant) Report, there is the error "There are too many records in the ReportData table of the Statistical Database, based on SQL Server Compact. Please migrate the database to MS SQL Server or MySQL using the 'Report and Graphs Configuration Tool".
What should I do next?
This means that there are too many ReportData records in your SQL Server Compact Statistical Database File, file:
C:\ProgramData\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Stats\Stats.sdf
You should migrate your database to MS SQL Server or MySQL. See FAQ #7740100.
This limitation is not hardcoded in our software, and can be changed, but it is not recommended. It is recommended to migrate.
The limit can be changed through the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ActiveXperts\Network Monito...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740174: When I create a new Graph, there is an error "There are too many records in the GraphData table of the Statistical Database, based on SQL Server Compact. Please migrate the database to MS SQL Server or MySQL using the 'Report and Graphs Configuration Tool".
What should I do next?
This means that there are too many GraphData records in your SQL Server Compact Statistical Database File, file:
C:\ProgramData\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Stats\Stats.sdf
You should migrate your database to MS SQL Server or MySQL. See FAQ #7740100.
This limitation is not hardcoded in our software, and can be changed, but it is not recommended. It is recommended to migrate.
The limit can be changed through the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740176: I get the following System Warning in my log file: "Too many outstanding ReportData table insert requests. Reconfigure or disable Reports and Graphs using the Report and Graphs Configuration Tool".
This means that there are more insert requests on the Statistical Database Report table than the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine service can handle. There can be various reasons for that:
The statistical database is offline
The statistical database cannot be connected
The network connection to the statistical database is slow
The performance of the statistical database is slow
Too many statistical database requests as a result of many failed checks
Statistical Database Report requests ar...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database Q7740178: I get the following System Warning in my log file: "Too many outstanding GraphData table insert requests. Reconfigure or disable Reports and Graphs using the Reports and Graphs Configuration Tool".
This means that there are more insert requests on the Statistical Database Graph table than the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine service can handle. There can be various reasons for that:
The statistical database is offline
The statistical database cannot be connected
The network connection to the statistical database is slow
The performance of the statistical database is slow
Too many statistical database requests as a result of many failed checks
Statistical Database Graph requests are ...
Network Monitor > Reports and Graphs - Statistical Database