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virusscan.vbs - vbscript script by ActiveXperts Software

virusscan.vbs checks if the defined Virus Scanner is running.

Use virusscan.vbs directly from ActiveXperts Network Monitor; in the Manager's 'Monitor' menu, select 'New Check (Script)' and select virusscan.vbs. Configure the required parameter, or press 'Load a working sample'.

In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.

virusscan.vbs script code

' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // ActiveXperts Network Monitor  - VBScript based checks
' // For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor and VBScript, visit
' //
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Option Explicit

' Declaration of global variables
Dim   SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION   ' SYSDATA is displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager; SYSEXPLANATION in the 'LastResponse' column

' Constants - return values
Const retvalUnknown = 1         ' ActiveXperts Network Monitor functions should always return True (-1, Success), False (0, Error) or retvalUnknown (1, Uncertain)

' Constants - indexes used in arrays
Const idxServiceShortname = 0  ' 
Const idxServiceLongname  = 1
Const idxPerfObject = 0
Const idxPerfContext = 1
Const idxPerfItem = 2
Const idxPerfCondition = 3

' // To test a function outside Network Monitor (e.g. using CSCRIPT from the
' // command line), remove the comment character (') in the following lines:
' Dim bResult
' bResult = CheckAntiVirus( "localhost", "ESET NOD32 Anti Virus 7", "" )
' WScript.Echo "Return value: [" & bResult & "]"
' WScript.Echo "SYSDATA: [" & SYSDATA & "]"

' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function CheckAntiVirus( strHost, strAltCredentials, strAntivirusProduct )
' Description: 
'     Checks if the defined Antivirus is running
' Parameters:
'     1) strHost As String - Hostname or IP address of the computer you want to check
'     2) strAltCredentials As String - Specify an empty string to use Network Monitor service credentials.
'         To use alternate credentials, enter a server that is defined in Server Credentials table.
'         (To define Server Credentials, choose Tools->Options->Server Credentials)
'     3) strAntivirusProduct As String - The name of the antivirus as defined below
' Usage:
'     CheckAntiVirus( "<Hostname | IP>", "<Empty String | Server>", "<strAntivirusProduct>" )
' Sample:
'     CheckAntiVirus( "localhost", "", "Panda Anti Virus 2014" )

  Dim strAltLogin, strAltPassword
  Dim objWMIService
  Dim lstServices, lstProcesses, lstPerfCounters
  Dim numResult

  CheckAntiVirus  = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value, and will be shown as a yellow (uncertain) icon in the Manager
  SYSDATA         = ""             ' SYSDATA displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager          
  SYSEXPLANATION  = ""             ' SYSEXPLANATION displayed in the 'LastResponse' column in the Manager
  strAltLogin     = ""
  strAltPassword  = ""
  ' Retrieve product processes/services/performance-counters list
  If( Not getSoftwareInfo( strAntivirusProduct, lstServices, lstProcesses, lstPerfCounters, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If  
  ' If alternate credentials are specified, retrieve the alternate login and password from the ActiveXperts global settings
  If( strAltCredentials <> "" ) Then	
    If( Not getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, SYSEXPLANATION )) Then
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  ' WMI Connect
  If( Not wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, objWMIService, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If
  ' Check services
  numResult = checkServices( objWMIService, strHost, lstServices, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckAntiVirus  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If
  ' Check processes
  numResult = checkProcesses( objWMIService, strHost, lstProcesses, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckAntiVirus  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If
  ' Check performance counters
  numResult = checkPerfCounters( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, lstPerfCounters, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckAntiVirus  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If  

  CheckAntiVirus  = True
  SYSEXPLANATION = "All services, processes and counters successfully checked"
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // --- Private Functions section ---
' // Private functions names should start with a lower case character, so they 
' // will not be listed in the Network Monitor's function browser.
' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function getSoftwareInfo( strAntivirusProduct, BYREF lstServices, BYREF lstProcesses, BYREF lstPerfCounters, BYREF strSysExplanation )
' // Retrieve services, processes and counters associated to the specific anti-viruse software. Entries that start 
' // with '!' are optional services/processes/counters and are not checked by deault. Remove '!' mark to enable monitoring those items.

  getSoftwareInfo = True  ' Return value OK UNLESS
  lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
  Select Case strAntivirusProduct

    Case "Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+"
      lstServices = array( array("LavasoftAdAwareService11","Ad-Aware Service 11"))
      lstProcesses = array("AdAwareService.exe", "adawarebp.exe", "AdAwareTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Ad-Aware Pro"
      lstServices = array( array("Lavasoft Ad-Aware Service","Lavasoft Ad-Aware Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("AAWService.exe", "AAWTray.exe", "!Ad-Aware.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Ad-Aware Total Security"
      lstServices = array( array("!GDBackupSvc","Ad-Aware Backup Service"), array("AVKWCtl","Ad-Aware Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","Ad-Aware Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","Ad-Aware Scanner"), array("AVKService","Ad-Aware Scheduler"), array("AVKProxy","Ad-Aware Total Security Proxy"), array("! GDTunerSvc","Ad-Aware Tuner Service") )
      lstProcesses = array("!AVKBackupService.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "AVKProxy.exe", "! AVKTunerService.exe", "AVKTray.exe", "GDFirewallTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus"), array("avast! Firewall","avast! Firewall") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe", "!AvastUI.exe", "afwServ.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus"), array("avast! Firewall","avast! Firewall") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe", "!AvastUI.exe", "afwServ.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Internet Security 7"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus"), array("avast! Firewall","avast! Firewall") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe", "!AvastUI.exe", "afwServ.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Free Antivirus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe", "!AvastUI.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Antivirus 6"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe", "!AvastUI.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "avast! Antivirus 5"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus"), array("avast! Mail Scanner","avast! Mail Scanner"), array("avast! Web Scanner","avast! Web Scanner") )
      lstProcesses = array("AvastSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "avast! Antivirus 4"
      lstServices = array( array("avast! Antivirus","avast! Antivirus"), array("aswupdsv","avast! iAVS4 Control Service"), array("avast! Mail scanner","avast! Mail Scanner"), array("avast! Web Scanner","avast! Web Scanner") )
      lstProcesses = array("!ashServ.exe", "!aswUpdSv.exe", "!ashMaiSv.exe", "!ashWebSv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgwdsvc.exe", "avgidsagent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgnsx.exe", "avgemcx.exe", "avgidsagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgwdsvc.exe", "avgidsagent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgnsx.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgen") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgwdsvc.exe", "AVGIDSAgent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgcemcx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgcnsx.exe", "avgtray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("avgfws","AVG Firewall"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgfws.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe", "avgidsagent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgemcx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgnsx.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("avgfws","AVG Firewall"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgfws.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe", "avgidsagent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgemcx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgnsx.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("avgfws","AVG Firewall"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgen") )
      lstProcesses = array("avgfws.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe", "AVGIDSAgent.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgcemcx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgcnsx.exe", "avgtray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("avgfws","AVG Firewall"), array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent"))
      lstProcesses = array("avgfws.exe", "avgwdsvc.exe", "AVGIDSAgent.exe", "avgam.exe", "avgchsvx.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "avgemcx.exe", "AVGIDSMonitor.exe", "avgnsx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgtray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("avgwd","AVG WatchDog"), array("AVGIDSAgent","AVGIDSAgent"))
      lstProcesses = array("avgwdsvc.exe", "AVGIDSAgent.exe", "avgchsvx.exe", "avgrsx.exe", "avgtray.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "!avgam.exe", "avgnsx.exe", "avgemcx.exe", "avgcsrvx.exe", "!avgmfapx.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus Free 9"
      lstServices = array( array("avg9emc","AVG Free E-mail Scanner"), array("avg9wd","AVG Free WatchDog"))
      lstProcesses = array("!avgemc.exe", "!avgwdsvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "AVG Anti-Virus 7"
      lstServices = array( array("AVGEMS","AVG E-mail Scanner"), array("avg7Alrt","AVG7 Alert Manager Server"), array("avg7Updsvc","AVG7 Update Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "Avira Professional Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirMailService","Avira Mail Protection"), array("AntiVirService","Avira Real-Time Protection"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira Scheduler"), array("!AntiVirWebService","Avira Web Protection"))
      lstProcesses = array("avmailc7.exe", "avguard.exe", "sched.exe", "avwebg7.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "Avira Free Antivirus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirService","Avira Real-Time Protection"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira Scheduler"), array("!AntiVirWebService","Avira Web Protection"))
      lstProcesses = array("avguard.exe", "sched.exe", "!avwebg7.exe", "avshadow.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Avira Premium Antivirus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirService","Avira Real-Time Protection"), array("AntiVirMailService","Avira Mail Protection"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira Scheduler"), array("AntiVirWebService","Avira Web Protection"))
      lstProcesses = array("avguard.exe", "avmailc.exe", "sched.exe", "AVWEBGRD.EXE", "avshadow.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Avira Premium Antivirus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirService","Avira Realtime Protection"), array("AntiVirMailService","Avira Mail Protection"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira Scheduler"), array("AntiVirWebService","Avira Web Protection"))
      lstProcesses = array("avguard.exe", "avmailc.exe", "sched.exe", "AVWEBGRD.EXE")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Avira Internet Security Suite 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirMailService","Avira Mail Protection"), array("AntiVirService","Avira Real-Time Protection"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira Scheduler"), array("AntiVirWebService","Avira Web Protection"))
      lstProcesses = array("avguard.exe", "avmailc7.exe", "sched.exe", "avwebg7.exe", "avshadow.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Avira Premium Security Suite 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirService","Avira AntiVir Guard"), array("AntiVirMailService","Avira AntiVir MailGuard"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira AntiVir Scheduler"), array("AntiVirWebService","Avira AntiVir WebGuard"), array("AntiVirFirewallService","Avira FireWall"))
      lstProcesses = array("avguard.exe", "avmailc.exe", "sched.exe", "AVWEBGRD.EXE", "avfwsvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Avira Premium Security Suite 9"
      lstServices = array( array("AntiVirService","Avira AntiVir Guard"), array("AntiVirMailService","Avira AntiVir MailGuard"), array("AntiVirSchedulerService","Avira AntiVir Scheduler"), array("AntiVirWebService","Avira AntiVir WebGuard"))
      lstProcesses = array("!avguard.exe", "!avmailc.exe", "!sched.exe", "!AVWEBGRD.EXE", "bdagent")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Total Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("!Bitdefender Desktop Parental Control","BitDefender Parental Control service"), array("UPDATESRV","Bitdefender Desktop Update Service"), array("VSSERV","Bitdefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("!bdparentalservice.exe", "updatesrv.exe", "vsserv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Total Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("UPDATESRV","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!Update Server","BitDefender Update Server v2"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "!arrakis3.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender AntiVirus Plus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("Updatesrv","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender AntiVirus Plus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("Updatesrv","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
       lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Antivirus Plus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("Updatesrv","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!Update Server","BitDefender Update Server v2"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "arrakis3.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Anti-Virus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("Updatesrv","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!Update Server","BitDefender Update Server v2"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "!arrakis3.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("!BdDesktopParental","Bitdefender Desktop Parental Control"), array("UPDATESRV","Bitdefender Desktop Update Service"), array("VSSERV","Bitdefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("!bdparentalservice.exe", "updatesrv.exe", "vsserv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("!BdDesktopParental","Bitdefender Desktop Parental Control"), array("UPDATESRV","Bitdefender Desktop Update Service"), array("VSSERV","Bitdefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("!bdparentalservice.exe", "updatesrv.exe", "vsserv.exe", "bdagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("UPDATESRV","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!Update Server","BitDefender Update Server v2"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "!arrakis3.exe", "vsserv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("Updatesrv","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!Update Server","BitDefender Update Server v2"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("updatesrv.exe", "arrakis3.exe", "vsserv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BitDefender Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("!Arrakis3","BitDefender Arrakis Server"), array("LIVESRV","BitDefender Desktop Update Service"), array("!scan","BitDefender Threat Scanner"), array("VSSERV","BitDefender Virus Shield"))
      lstProcesses = array("!arrakis3.exe", "!livesrv.exe", "!vsserv.exe.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Anti-Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard on-access service"), array("BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"), array("BsUpdate","BullGuard update service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Anti-Virus 12"
      lstServices = array( array("BsBackupr","BullGuard backup service"), array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("BsFire","BullGuard firewall service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard on-access service"), array("BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"), array("BsUpdate","BullGuard update service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Anti-Virus 10"
      lstServices = array( array("BsBrowser","BullGuard antiphishing service"), array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"), array("BsUpdate","BullGuard update service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("!BsBackup","BullGuard backup service"), array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("!BsFire","BullGuard firewall service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard on-access service"), array("!BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"), array("BsUpdate","BullGuard update service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe", "BullGuard.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Internet Security 12"
      lstServices = array( array("BsBackup","BullGuard backup service"), array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("BsFire","BullGuard firewall service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard on-access service"), array("!BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"), array("BsUpdate","BullGuard update service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe", "BullGuard.exe", "!LittleHook.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard Internet Security 10"
      lstServices = array( array("BsBrowser","BullGuard antiphishing service"), array("BsBhvScan","BullGuard behavioural detection service"), array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard e-mail monitoring service"), array("BsFire","BullGuard firewall service"), array("BsMain","BullGuard main service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard on-access service"), array("!BsScanner","BullGuard scanning service"))
      lstProcesses = array("BullGuardBhvScanner.exe", "BullGuardScanner.exe", "BullGuardUpdate.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "BullGuard 8"
      lstServices = array( array("BsMailProxy","BullGuard Email Monitoring Service"), array("BsFileScan","BullGuard File Scan Service"), array("BsFire","BullGuard Firewall Service"), array("BgLiveSvc","BullGuard LiveUpdate"), array("BgMainSvc","BullGuard Main Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("!BullGuardUpdate.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "eScan Antivirus Edition v11"
      lstServices = array( array("eScan-trayicos","eScan Server-Updater"), array("eScan Monitor Service","eScan Monitor Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("TRAYSSER.EXE", "avpmapp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "eScan Internet Security Suite v11"
      lstServices = array( array("eScan-trayicos","eScan Server-Updater"), array("eScan Monitor Service","eScan Monitor Service"), array("MWAgent","MWAgent"))
      lstProcesses = array("TRAYSSER.EXE", "avpmapp.exe", "!escanmon.exe", "econser.exe", "econceal.exe", "avpmapp.exe", "CONSCTL.exe", "MWASER.exe", "MWAGENT.exe", "!DOWNLOAD.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 Anti Virus 7"
      lstServices = array( array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 Smart Security 6"
      lstServices = array( array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 Smart Security 5"
      lstServices = array( array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 6"
      lstServices = array( array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("!egui.exe", "ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 5"
      lstServices = array( array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("!egui.exe", "ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 4"
      lstServices = array( array("!EHttpSrv","ESET HTTP Server"), array("ekrn","ESET Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("!EHttpSrv.exe", "ekrn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 3"
      lstServices = array( array("nod32krn","NOD32 Kernel Service"), array("ekrn","Eset Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("ekrn.exe", "!nod32krn.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ESET NOD32 AntiVirus 2"
      lstServices = array( array("nod32krn","NOD32 Kernel Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Anti-Virus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("fshoster","F-Secure Dll Hoster"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"))
      lstProcesses = array("fshoster32.exe", "FSM32.EXE", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32.exe", "fssm32.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Anti-Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("fshoster","F-Secure Dll Hoster"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"))
      lstProcesses = array("fshoster32.exe", "FSM32.EXE", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Anti-Virus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("fshoster","F-Secure Dll Hoster"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"))
      lstProcesses = array("!fsdfwd.exe", "fshoster32.exe", "!FSMA32.EXE", "!FSM32.EXE")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Anti-Virus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"), array("F-Secure Gatekeeper Handler Starter","FSGKHS"))
      lstProcesses = array("fsdfwd.exe", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32st.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Anti-Virus 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"))
      lstProcesses = array("!fsdfwd.exe", "!fsma32.exe", "!fsorsp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("fshoster","F-Secure Dll Hoster"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"))
      lstProcesses = array("fshoster32.exe", "FSM32.EXE", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32.exe", "fssm32.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("fshoster","F-Secure Dll Hoster"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"))
      lstProcesses = array("fshoster32.exe", "FSM32.EXE", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32.exe", "fssm32.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"), array("F-Secure Gatekeeper Handler Starter","FSGKHS"))
      lstProcesses = array("fsdfwd.exe", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32st.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"), array("F-Secure Gatekeeper Handler Starter","FSGKHS"))
      lstProcesses = array("fsdfwd.exe", "FSMA32.EXE", "fsorsp.exe", "fsgk32st.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "F-Secure Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("FSDFWD","F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon"), array("FSMA","F-Secure Management Agent"), array("FSORSPClient","F-Secure ORSP Client"))
      lstProcesses = array("!fsdfwd.exe", "!fsma32.exe", "!fsorsp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data TotalCare 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("GDBackupSvc","G Data Backup Service"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"), array("GDTunerSvc","G Data Tuner Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKBackupService.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "AVKTunerService.exe", "!GDFirewallTray.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Anti Virus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Anti Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Anti Virus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Anti Virus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe", "!GDFirewallTray.exe", "!AVKTray.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Scheduler"))
      lstProcesses = array("AVKProxy.exe", "AVKWCtl.exe", "GDFwSvc.exe", "GDScan.exe", "AVKService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "G Data Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("AVKProxy","G Data AntiVirus Proxy"), array("AVKWCtl","G Data Filesystem Monitor"), array("GDFwSvc","G Data Personal Firewall"), array("GDScan","G Data Scanner"), array("AVKService","G Data Schedule"))
      lstProcesses = array("!AVKProxy.exe", "!AVKWCtl.exe", "!GDFwSvc.exe", "!GDScan.exe", "!AVKService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("AVP","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("AVP","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("AVP","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("AVP","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("avp<Kaspersky Anti-Virus> "))
      lstProcesses = array("!avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("avp<Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service> "))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("avp<Kaspersky Anti-Virus> "))
      lstProcesses = array("avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("avp<Kaspersky Anti-Virus> "))
      lstProcesses = array("!avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("avp<Kaspersky Anti-Virus> "))
      lstProcesses = array("!avp.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7"
      lstServices = array( array("avp","Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Internet Security 7"
      lstServices = array( array("avp","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus Server 5"
      lstServices = array( array("klfsblogic","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kaspersky Anti-Virus Workstation 5"
      lstServices = array( array("klblmain","Kaspersky Anti-Virus Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "K7 AntiVirus Plus"
      lstServices = array( array("K7CrvSvc"," K7Carnivore Service"), array("K7EmlPxy"," K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server"), array("K7RTScan"," K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("K7TSMngr"," K7TotalSecurity Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array(" K7CrvSvc.exe", "K7EmlPxy.exe", "K7RTScan.exe", "K7TSMngr.exe", "K7SysMon.exe", "K7TSecurity.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "K7 AntiVirus Premium"
      lstServices = array( array("K7CrvSvc"," K7Carnivore Service"), array("K7EmlPxy"," K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server"), array("K7RTScan"," K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("K7TSMngr"," K7TotalSecurity Manager"), array("K7FWSrvc","K7Firewall Services"))
      lstProcesses = array(" K7CrvSvc.exe", "K7EmlPxy.exe", "K7RTScan.exe", "K7TSMngr.exe", "K7SysMon.exe", "K7TSecurity.exe", "K7FWSrvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "K7 TotalSecurity 14"
      lstServices = array( array("K7CrvSvc","K7Carnivore Service"), array("K7EmlPxy","K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server"), array("K7FWSrvc","K7Firewall Services"), array("K7PSSrvc","K7Privacy Services"), array("K7RTScan","K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("K7RTScan","K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("! K7SpmSrc","K7SpmSrc"), array("!K7TSMngr","K7TotalSecurity Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("K7CrvSvc.exe", "K7EmlPxy.exe", "K7FWSrvc.exe", "K7PSSrvc.exe", "K7RTScan.exe", "!K7SpmSrc.exe", "K7TSMngr.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "K7 TotalSecurity"
      lstServices = array( array("K7CrvSvc","K7Carnivore Service"), array("K7EmlPxy","K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server"), array("K7FWSrvc","K7Firewall Services"), array("K7PSSrvc","K7Privacy Services"), array("K7RTScan","K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("! K7SpmSrc","K7SpmSrc"), array("!K7TSMngr","K7TotalSecurity Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("K7CrvSvc.exe", "K7EmlPxy.exe", "K7FWSrvc.exe", "K7PSSrvc.exe", "K7RTScan.exe", "!K7SpmSrc.exe", "K7TSMngr.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "K7 UltimateSecurity"
      lstServices = array( array("K7CrvSvc","K7Carnivore Service"), array("K7EmlPxy","K7Computng - EMail Proxy Server"), array("K7FWSrvc","K7Firewall Services"), array("K7PSSrvc","K7Privacy Services"), array("K7RTScan","K7RealTime AntiVirus Services"), array("! K7SpmSrc","K7SpmSrc"), array("!K7TSMngr","K7TotalSecurity Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("K7CrvSvc.exe", "K7EmlPxy.exe", "K7FWSrvc.exe", "K7PSSrvc.exe", "K7RTScan.exe", "!K7SpmSrc.exe", "K7TSMngr.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kingsoft AntiVirus"
      lstServices = array( array("kxesapp","Kingsoft Security App Service"), array("kxescore","Kingsoft Core Service"), array("kxedefend","Kingsoft Core Defend Service"), array("KxEServ","Kingsoft Antivirus XEngine Service"), array("KxEUpSrv","Kingsoft Antivirus Update Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("kxesapp.exe", "kxescore.exe", "kxedefend.exe", "kxeserv.exe", "upsvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Kingsoft Internet Security 9 Plus"
      lstServices = array( array("KWatchSvc","Kingsoft Antivirus KWatch Service"), array("!kaccore","Kingsoft Basic Service"), array("KISSvc","Kingsoft Internet Security Common Service"), array("KPfwSvc"," Kingsoft Personal Firewall Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("KWatch.EXE", "!kaccore.exe", "KISSvc.EXE", "KPfwSvc.EXE", "kpfw32.exe", "kmailmon.exe", "kavstart.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Total Protection 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("mfecore","McAfee Anti-Malware Core"), array("MSK80Service","McAfee Anti-Spam Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("HomeNetSvc","McAfee Home Network"), array("MOBKbackup","McAfee Online Backup"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall"), array("mcpltsvc","McAfee Platform Services"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "mfefire.exe", "MOBKbackup.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mcsacore.exe", "mfevtps.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Total Protection 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("MSK80Service","McAfee Anti-Spam Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("McShield","McAfee McShield"), array("McNASvc","McAfee Network Agent"), array("MOBKbackup","McAfee Online Backup"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("mcmscsvc","McAfee Services"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("McSvHost.exe", "mfefire.exe", "mcshield.exe", "MOBKbackup.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "!mcagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Anti-Virus Plus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("mfecore","McAfee Anti-Malware Core"), array("McAPExe","McAfee AP Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("HomeNetSvc","McAfee Home Network"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall"), array("mcpltsvc","McAfee Platform Services"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner>McAfee SiteAdvisor Service<McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "McAPExe.exe", "mfefire.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "McAPExe.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Anti-Virus Plus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("mfecore","McAfee OnAccess Scanner"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("HomeNetSvc","McAfee Home Network"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall"), array("mcpltsvc","McAfee Platform Services"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "mfefire.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mcsacore.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "McAPExe.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Anti-Virus Plus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("!McNASvc","McAfee Network Agent"), array("!McOobeSv","McAfee OOBE Service"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("!mcmscsvc","McAfee Services"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"), array("McShield","McAfee McShield"))
      lstProcesses = array("mfefire.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "mcshield.exe", "!mcagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Anti-Virus Plus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("!McNASvc","McAfee Network Agent"), array("!McOobeSv","McAfee OOBE Service"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("mfefire.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "mcshield.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "McAfee VirusScan Plus 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("McShield","McAfee Real-time Scanner"), array("MpfService","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("mcmscsvc","McAfee Services"), array("McSysmon","McAfee SystemGuards"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("McShield","McAfee Real-time Scanner"), array("MpfService","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("mcmscsvc","McAfee Services"), array("McSysmon","McAfee SystemGuards"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8"
      lstServices = array( array("McAfeeFramework","McAfee Framework Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("McShield.exe", "VsTskMgr.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("mfecore","McAfee Anti-Malware Core"), array("MSK80Service","McAfee Anti-Spam Service"), array("McAPExe","McAfee AP Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("HomeNetSvc","McAfee Home Network"), array("MOBKbackup","McAfee Online Backup"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall"), array("mcpltsvc","McAfee Platform Services"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "mfefire.exe", "MOBKbackup.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "McAPExe.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("mfecore","McAfee Anti-Malware Core"), array("MSK80Service","McAfee Anti-Spam Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("HomeNetSvc","McAfee Home Network"), array("MOBKbackup","McAfee Online Backup"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall"), array("mcpltsvc","McAfee Platform Services"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("McAfee SiteAdvisor Service","McAfee SiteAdvisor Service"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "mfefire.exe", "MOBKbackup.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "mcsacore.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "McAfee Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("MSK80Service","McAfee Anti-Spam Service"), array("mfefire","McAfee Firewall Core Service"), array("McShield","McAfee McShield"), array("McNASvc","McAfee Network Agent"), array("MOBKbackup","McAfee Online Backup"), array("McMPFSvc","McAfee Personal Firewall Service"), array("McProxy","McAfee Proxy Service"), array("!McODS","McAfee Scanner"), array("mcmscsvc","McAfee Services"), array("mfevtp","McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service"), array("McNaiAnn","McAfee VirusScan Announcer"))
      lstProcesses = array("mcshield.exe", "McSvHost.exe", "mfefire.exe", "MOBKbackup.exe", "!mcods.exe", "mfevtps.exe", "!mcagent.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norman Security Suite 10"
      lstServices = array( array("eLoggerSvc6","Norman eLogger Service"), array("NHS","Norman Hash Server"), array("NIG","Norman Intrusion Guard"), array("NNFSVC","Norman Network Filtering service"), array("Norman NJeeves","Norman NJeeves"), array("NPFSvc32","Norman Personal Firewall Service"), array("npsvc32","Norman Privacy Service"), array("nvoy","Norman Resource Provider (NICCA)"), array("nsesvc","Norman Scanner Engine Service"), array("Scheduler","Norman Scheduler Service"), array("NPROSECSVC","Norman Security service"), array("NUAA","Norman User Activity Agent"), array("nvcoas","Norman Virus Control on-access component"), array("Norman ZANDA","Norman ZANDA"))
      lstProcesses = array("elogsvc.exe", "nhs.exe", "nigsvc32.exe", "Nnf.exe", "Njeeves.exe", "npfsvc32.exe", "Npsvc32.exe", "nvoy.exe", "NSESVC.EXE", "scheduler.exe", "Nprosec.exe", "nuaa.exe", "nvcoas.exe", "Zanda.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norman Security Suite 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("eLoggerSvc6","Norman eLogger Service"), array("NIG","Norman Intrusion Guard"), array("NNFSVC","Norman Network Filtering service"), array("Norman Njeeves","norman njeeves"), array("NPFSvc32","Norman Personal Firewall Service"), array("npsvc32","Norman Privacy Service"), array("NVOY","Norman Resource Provider"), array("nsesvc","Norman Scanner Engine Service"), array("Scheduler","Norman Scheduler Service"), array("NPROSECSVC","Norman Security service"), array("NUAA","Norman User Activity Agent"), array("nvcoas","Norman Virus Control on-access component"), array("nvcscheduler","Norman Virus Control Scheduler"), array("norman zanda","Norman Zanda"))
      lstProcesses = array("elogsvc.exe", "!nigsvc32.exe", "Nnf.exe", "!Njeeves.exe", "npfsvc32.exe", "Npsvc32.exe", "!nvoy.exe", "!NSESVC.EXE", "!scheduler.exe", "Nprosec.exe", "!nuaa.exe!nvcoas.exe", "Zanda.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norman AntiVirus Security Suite"
      lstServices = array( array("eLoggerSvc6","Norman eLogger service 6"), array("NIG","Norman Intrusion Guard"), array("NNFSVC","Norman Network Filtering service"), array("Norman NJeeves","Norman NJeeves"), array("NPFSvc32","Norman Personal Firewall Service"), array("npsvc32","Norman Privacy Service"), array("NVOY","Norman Resource Provider"))
      lstProcesses = array("elogsvc.exe", "nigsvc32.exe", "Nnf.exe", "Njeeves.exe", "npfsvc32.exe", "Npsvc32.exe", "voy.exe", "NSESVC.EXE", "scheduler.exe", "Nprosec.exe", "nvcoas.exe", "Zanda.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norman AntiVirus 5"
      lstServices = array( array("norman njeeves","Norman Njeeves"), array("nvcoas","Norman Virus Control on-access component"), array("nvcscheduler","Norman Virus Control Scheduler"), array("norman zanda","Norman Zanda"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton 360"
      lstServices = array( array("N360","Norton 360"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("NAV","Norton AntiVirus"), array("NCO","Norton Identity Safe"))
      lstProcesses = array("NAV.exe", "NST.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("NAV","Norton AntiVirus"), array("NCO","Norton Identity Safe"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("NAV","Norton AntiVirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("NAV","Norton AntiVirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("!symantec core lc","Symantec Core LC"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("cltnetcnservice","Symantec Lic NetConnect service"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("!ccevtmgrsymantec core lc","Symantec Core LC"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("cltnetcnservice","Symantec Lic NetConnect service"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2007"
      lstServices = array( array("symappcore","Symantec AppCore Service"), array("!symantec core lc","Symantec Core LC"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("!ispwdsvc","Symantec IS Password Validation"), array("cltnetcnservice","Symantec Lic NetConnect service"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton AntiVirus 2005"
      lstServices = array( array("navapsvc","Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect Service"), array("npfmntor","Norton AntiVirus Firewall Monitor Service"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"), array("!sndsrvc","Symantec Network Drivers Service"), array("!ccpwdsvc","Symantec Password Validation"), array("!spbbcsvc","Symantec SPBBCSvc"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("NIS","Norton Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("NIS.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("NIS","Norton Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("NIS","Norton Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("NIS","Norton Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("NIS","Norton Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("!symantec core lc","Symantec Core LC"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("cltnetcnservice","Symantec Lic NetConnect service"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Norton Internet Security 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("!symantec core lc","Symantec Core LC"), array("ccevtmgr","Symantec Event Manager"), array("cltnetcnservice","Symantec Lic NetConnect service"), array("ccsetmgr","Symantec Settings Manager"))
      lstProcesses = array("ccSvcHst.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Firewall Pro 9"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Antivirus Pro 9"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Antivirus Pro 8"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Antivirus Pro 7.5"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Antivirus Pro 7"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe", "op_mon.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Security Suite Pro 7.5"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Outpost Security Suite Pro 7"
      lstServices = array( array("acssrv","Agnitum Client Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("acs.exe", "op_mon.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Global Protection 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PSHOST.EXE", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"))
      lstProcesses = array("avengine.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Anti Virus 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"))
      lstProcesses = array("avengine.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "!PSHOST.EXE", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PSHOST.EXE", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PSHOST.EXE", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("PavFnSvr.exe", "PSHOST.EXE", "PsImSvc.exe", "pavsrvx86.exe", "pavprsrv.exe", "PskSvc.exe", "PsCtrls.exe", "TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function Service"), array("Gwmsrv","Panda Goodware Cache Manager"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PAVSRV","Panda On-Access Anti-Malware Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("PskSvcRetail","Panda PSK service"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"))
      lstProcesses = array("!PavFnSvr.exe", "!PSHOST.EXE", "!PsImSvc.exe", "!pavsrv51.exe", "!pavprsrv.exe", "!PskSvc.exe", "!PsCtrls.exe", "!TPSrv.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("pmshellsrv","Panda Antispam Engine"), array("PAVSRV","Panda Anti-virus service"), array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"))
      lstProcesses = array("avengine.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Panda Internet Security 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("pmshellsrv","Panda Antispam Engine"), array("PAVSRV","Panda Anti-virus service"), array("PAVFNSVR","Panda Function service"), array("PSHost","Panda Host Service"), array("PSIMSVC","Panda IManager Service"), array("PavPrSrv","Panda Process Protection Service"), array("TPSrv","Panda TPSrv"), array("Panda Software Controller","Panda Software Controller"))
      lstProcesses = array("avengine.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "PC Tools Internet Security 9.0"
      lstServices = array( array("sdAuxService","PC Tools Auxiliary Service"), array("sdCoreService","PC Tools Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("pctsAuxs.exe", "pctsSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "PC Tools Internet Security 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("sdAuxService","PC Tools Auxiliary Service"), array("sdCoreService","PC Tools Security Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("pctsAuxs.exe", "pctsSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "Sophos Anti-virus and Firewall"
      lstServices = array( array("SAVService","Sophos Anti-Virus"), array("SAVAdminService","Sophos Anti-Virus status reporter"), array("Sophos AutoUpdate Service","Sophos AutoUpdate Service"), array("swi_service","Sophos Web Intelligence Service"), array("!swi_update","Sophos Web Intelligence Update"))
      lstProcesses = array("SavService.exe", "SAVAdminService.exe", "ALsvc.exe", "swi_service.exe", "!swi_update.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Sophos Anti-Virus"
      lstServices = array( array("Sophos Agent","Sophos Agent"), array("SAVService","Sophos Anti-Virus"), array("SAVAdminService","Sophos Anti-Virus status reporter"), array("Sophos AutoUpdate Service","Sophos AutoUpdate Service"), array("Sophos Message Router","Sophos Message Router"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus Plus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium 2011"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus Plus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("Amsp","Trend Micro Solution Platform"))
      lstProcesses = array("coreServiceShell.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Internet Security 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("SfCtlCom","Trend Micro Central Control Component"), array("tmpfw","Trend Micro Personal Firewall"), array("tmproxy","Trend Micro Proxy Service"), array("tmntsrv","Trend Micro Real-time Service"), array("TMBMServer","Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("!SfCtlCom.exe", "!TmPfw.exe", "!TmPfw.exe", "!TmProxy.exe", "!TMBMSRV.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Internet Security 2009"
      lstServices = array( array("pcctlcom","Trend Micro Central Control Component"), array("tmpfw","Trend Micro Personal Firewall"), array("pcscnsrv","Trend Micro Protection Against Spyware"), array("tmproxy","Trend Micro Proxy Service"), array("tmntsrv","Trend Micro Real-time Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Internet Security 2008"
      lstServices = array( array("pcctlcom","Trend Micro Central Control Component"), array("tmpfw","Trend Micro Personal Firewall"), array("pcscnsrv","Trend Micro Protection Against Spyware"), array("tmproxy","Trend Micro Proxy Service"), array("tmntsrv","Trend Micro Real-time Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Trend Micro Internet Security 2007"
      lstServices = array( array("pcctlcom","Trend Micro Central Control Component"), array("tmpfw","Trend Micro Personal Firewall"), array("pcscnsrv","Trend Micro Protection Against Spyware"), array("tmproxy","Trend Micro Proxy Service"), array("tmntsrv","Trend Micro Real-time Service"))
      lstProcesses = array( "" )      
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    Case "Vipre Antivirus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre Antivirus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre Antivirus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre Internet Security 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre Internet Security 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre Internet Security 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Internet Security"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre antivirus Enterprise"
      lstServices = array( array("Sunbelt Software Enterprise Service","VIPRE Antivirus Premium"))
      lstProcesses = array("EnterpriseService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Vipre antivirus Premium"
      lstServices = array( array("SBAMSvc","VIPRE Antivirus Premium"), array("SBPIMSvc","SB Recovery Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("SBAMSvc.exe", "SBAMtray.exe", "SBPIMSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2014"
      lstServices = array( array("WRSVC","WRSVC") )
      lstProcesses = array("WRSA.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("WRSVC","WRSVC"))
      lstProcesses = array("WRSA.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("WebrootAdminConsole","Webroot Admin Console"), array("WebrootEnterpriseClientService","Webroot Client Service"), array("WebrootEnterpriseUpdateService","Webroot Update Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("webrootadminconsole.exe", "webrootclientservice.exe", "webrootupdateservice.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot SecureAnywhere Essentials 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("WRConsumerService","Webroot Client Service"), array("WebrootSpySweeperService","Webroot Spy Sweeper Engine"))
      lstProcesses = array("SpySweeper.exe", "SSU.exe", "WRConsumerService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("", ""))
      lstProcesses = array("WRSA.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot AntiVirus 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("WebrootAdminConsole","Webroot Admin Console"), array("WebrootEnterpriseClientService","Webroot Client Service"), array("WebrootEnterpriseUpdateService","Webroot Update Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("webrootadminconsole.exe", "webrootclientservice.exe", "webrootupdateservice.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "Webroot Internet Security Essentials 2010"
      lstServices = array( array("WRConsumerService","Webroot Client Service"), array("WebrootSpySweeperService","Webroot Spy Sweeper Engine"))
      lstProcesses = array("SpySweeper.exe", "SSU.exe", "WRConsumerService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ZoneAlarm Antivirus 12"
      lstServices = array( array("ZAPrivacyService","ZoneAlarm Privacy Service"))
      lstProcesses = array("ZAPrivacyService.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ZoneAlarm PRO Antivirus + Firewall 2013"
      lstServices = array( array("IswSvc","ZoneAlarm Toolbar IswSvc"))
      lstProcesses = array("IswSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ZoneAlarm Antivirus + Firewall 2012"
      lstServices = array( array("IswSvc","ZoneAlarm Toolbar IswSvc"))
      lstProcesses = array("IswSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ZoneAlarm Anti-Virus 9"
      lstServices = array( array("IswSvc","ZoneAlarm Toolbar IswSvc"))
      lstProcesses = array("IswSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
    Case "ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 9"
      lstServices = array( array("IswSvc","ZoneAlarm Toolbar IswSvc"))
      lstProcesses = array("IswSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )

    '// Wrong string definition      
    Case Else
      SYSEXPLANATION = "UNCERTAIN: Antivirus [" + strAntivirusProduct + "] is not supported."
      lstServices = array("","")
      lstProcesses = array("IswSvc.exe")
      lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
      getSoftwareInfo = False
  End Select

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkServices( objWMIService, strHost, lstCheckServices, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim lstAllServices, arrCheckService

  checkServices   = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation  = "Unable to check for services on this machine"
  ' Get the services list
  If( Not retrieveServicesList( objWMIService, strHost, lstAllServices, strExplanation ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If 

  ' Check services - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each arrCheckService in lstCheckServices
    If( arrCheckService( idxServiceShortname) <> "" And Left( arrCheckService( idxServiceShortname ), 1 ) <> "!" ) Then  
      If( Not isServiceRunning( lstAllServices, arrCheckService(idxServiceShortname), arrCheckService(idxServiceLongname), strExplanation ) ) Then	
        checkServices = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  checkServices  = True
  strExplanation   = "Services are running"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkProcesses( objWMIService, strHost, lstCheckProcesses, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim lstAllProcesses, strCheckProcess

  checkProcesses  = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation  = "Unable to check for processes on this machine"
  ' Get the processes list
  If( Not retrieveProcessesList( objWMIService, strHost, lstAllProcesses, strExplanation ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If  
  ' Check processes - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each strCheckProcess in lstCheckProcesses
    If( strCheckProcess <> "" And Left( strCheckProcess, 1 ) <> "!" ) Then 
      If( Not isProcessRunning( lstAllProcesses, strCheckProcess, strExplanation ) ) Then
        checkProcesses = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  checkProcesses  = True
  strExplanation   = "Processes are running"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkPerfCounters( strHost, strAltUserName, strAltPassword, lstCheckPerfCounters, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim objPerf, strPerfPath, numPerfValue
  Dim lstAllServices, arrCheckPerfCounter
  Dim strEval, bCompareResult

  checkPerfCounters   = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation   = "Unable to check for performance counters on this machine"
  ' Load the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Perfomance object
  Set objPerf = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.NMPerf" )
  ' Initialze Performance object. Optional parameter: a log file, for debugging purposes
  objPerf.Initialize( "" )
  If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
    checkPerfCounters  = retvalUnknown
    SYSDATA         = ""
    SYSEXPLANATION  = "Failed to initialize performance object."
    Exit Function
  End If 
  ' Connect. If strAltUserName is empty, the service credentials will be used
  objPerf.Connect strHost, strAltUserName, strAltPassword
  If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
    checkPerfCounters  = retvalUnknown
    SYSDATA         = ""
    SYSEXPLANATION  = "Failed to check performance counters (connect failed)."
    Exit Function
  End If    
  ' Check performance counters - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each arrCheckPerfCounter in lstCheckPerfCounters
    If( arrCheckPerfCounter( idxPerfObject ) <> "" And Left( arrCheckPerfCounter( idxPerfObject ), 1 ) <> "!" ) Then  
      ' Build the Peformance path
      strPerfPath = objPerf.BuildPath( strHost, arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfObject), arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfContext), arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfItem) )
      ' Get integer value. If floating point is expected, use GetDoubleValue instead
      numPerfValue = objPerf.GetIntegerValue( strPerfPath )
      If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
        checkPerfCounters  = False
        SYSDATA         = ""
        SYSEXPLANATION  = "Performance Counter [" & strPerfPath & "] is not installed"
        Exit Function
      End If    
      strEval = numPerfValue & " " & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfCondition)
      bCompareResult = Eval( strEval )
      If( Not bCompareResult ) Then
        checkPerfCounters  = False      
        SYSDATA         = numPerfValue
        SYSEXPLANATION  = "Performance Counter [" & strPerfPath & "], Condition[" & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfItem) & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfCondition) & "] failed, Current Value=[" & numPerfValue & "]"
        Exit Function        
      End If
    End If

  checkPerfCounters  = True
  strExplanation   = "Performance counters checked"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function retrieveServicesList( objWMIService, strHost, BYREF lstServices, BYREF strSysExplanation )
  ' Retrieve the list of running services	

  retrieveServicesList = False
  Set lstServices      = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

  Set lstServices      = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Service" )
  If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to query WMI class on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If
On Error Goto 0
  If( lstServices.Count <= 0  ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Win32_Service class does not exist on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If 

  retrieveServicesList = True
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function retrieveProcessesList( objWMIService, strHost, BYREF lstProcesses, BYREF strSysExplanation )
  ' Retrieve the list of running services	
  retrieveProcessesList = False
  Set lstProcesses      = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

  Set lstProcesses      = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process" )  
  If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to query WMI class on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If
On Error Goto 0

  If( lstProcesses.Count <= 0  ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Win32_Process class does not exist on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If 

  retrieveProcessesList = True    
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function isServiceRunning( BYREF lstServices, strServiceName, strServiceDescription, BYREF strExplanation )
' Check if a given service exists as running service in the services list
  Dim objService
  For Each objService in lstServices			 
    ' Check If this is the service we are looking for
    If( LCase( objService.Name ) = LCase( strServiceName ) ) Then				
      If( objService.State = "Running" ) Then
        isServiceRunning = True        
        strExplanation   = "Service [" & strServiceDescription & "] service is not running"    
        isServiceRunning = False   
      End If
      Exit Function
    End If
  ' The service was not found, show an error message
  strExplanation           = "Service [" & strServiceDescription & "] is not installed"    
  isServiceRunning         = False

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function isProcessRunning( BYREF lstProcesses, strProcess, BYREF strExplanation )
' Check if a given process exists as running process in the processes list
  Dim objProcess
  For Each objProcess in lstProcesses			
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      isProcessRunning  = retvalUnknown
      strExplanation    = "Unable to list processes" 
      Exit Function
    End If	 
    ' Check If this is the service we are looking for
    If( LCase( objProcess.Name ) = LCase( strProcess ) ) Then				
      isProcessRunning  = True
      Exit Function
    End If
  ' The process was not found, show an error message
  strExplanation            = "Process [" & strProcess & "] is not running"    
  isProcessRunning          = False
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, BYREF strAltLogin, BYREF strAltPassword, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

  Dim objNMServerCredentials
  strAltLogin = ""
  strAltPassword = ""
  strSysExplanation = ""
  getCredentials  = False    
  If( strAltCredentials = "" ) Then
    ' No alternate credentials specified, so login and password are empty and service credentials will be used
    getCredentials = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  Set objNMServerCredentials = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.NMServerCredentials" )

  strAltLogin           = objNMServerCredentials.GetLogin( strAltCredentials )
  strAltPassword        = objNMServerCredentials.GetPassword( strAltCredentials )

  If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then
    getCredentials      = False
    strSysExplanation = "No alternate credentials defined for [" & strAltCredentials & "]. In the Manager application, select 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu and select the 'Server Credentials' tab to enter alternate credentials"
    Exit Function
  End If   

  getCredentials = True 

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, BYREF objWMIService, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

  Dim objSWbemLocator, colItems
  Dim bConnectResult

  wmiConnect         = False
  Set objWMIService  = Nothing
  If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then	
    ' Connect to remote host on same domain using same security context
On Error Resume Next    
    Set objWMIService     = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strHost &"\root\cimv2" )
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If
On Error Goto 0    
    ' Connect to remote host using different security context and/or different domain 
On Error Resume Next        
    Set objSWbemLocator   = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
    Set objWMIService     = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer( strHost, "root\cimv2", strAltLogin, strAltPassword )

    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If

    objWMIService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
On Error Goto 0    
  End If

  If( Not bConnectResult ) Then
    Set objWMIService  = Nothing
    wmiConnect         = False
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to connect to [" & strHost & "]. Possible reasons: no WMI installed on the remote server, firewall blocking WMI calls, login failure, or remote server down"
    Exit Function
  End If    
  wmiConnect = True 
End Function