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msqueue.vbs - vbscript script by ActiveXperts Software

msqueue.vbs checks MS Queue length on a host computer.

Use msqueue.vbs directly from ActiveXperts Network Monitor; in the Manager's 'Monitor' menu, select 'New Check (Script)' and select msqueue.vbs. Configure the required parameter, or press 'Load a working sample'.

In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.

msqueue.vbs script code

' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // ActiveXperts Network Monitor  - VBScript based checks
' // For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor and VBScript, visit
' //
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Option Explicit

' Declaration of global variables
Dim   SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION   ' SYSDATA is displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager; SYSEXPLANATION in the 'LastResponse' column

' Constants - return values
Const retvalUnknown = 1         ' ActiveXperts Network Monitor functions should always return True (-1, Success), False (0, Error) or retvalUnknown (1, Uncertain)

' // To test a function outside Network Monitor (e.g. using CSCRIPT from the
' // command line), remove the comment character (') in the following lines:
' Dim bResult
' bResult =  CheckQueueLength( "localhost", "", "private$\admin_queue$", 10 )
' WScript.Echo "Return value: [" & bResult & "]"
' WScript.Echo "SYSDATA: [" & SYSDATA & "]"

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function CheckQueueLength( strHost, strAltCredentials, strQueue, nMaxLength ) 

' Description: 
'     Checks Ms Queue length on a (remote) computer. 
' Parameters:
'     1) strHost As String  - Hostname or IP address of the computer you want to monitor
'     2) strAltCredentials As String - Specify an empty string to use Network Monitor service credentials.
'         To use alternate credentials, enter a server that is defined in Server Credentials table.
'         (To define Server Credentials, choose Tools->Options->Server Credentials)
'     3) strQueue As String - Queue that you want to monitor. Syntax: private$\queuename
'     4) nMaxLength As Number - Maximum allowed items in queue
' Usage:
'     CheckQueueLength( "<Hostname | IP>", "<Empty String | Server>", "<Queue Name>", <Max_Queue_Length> )
' Sample:
'     CheckQueueLength( "localhost", "", "private$\admin_queue$", 10 )

  Dim strAltLogin, strAltPassword, objWMIService

  CheckQueueLength  = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  SYSDATA           = ""             ' Will hold the actual CPU percentage value when the function returns
  SYSEXPLANATION    = ""             ' Set initial value
  strAltLogin       = ""
  strAltPassword    = ""
  ' If alternate credentials are specified, retrieve the alternate login and password from the ActiveXperts global settings
  If( strAltCredentials <> "" ) Then	
    If( Not getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, SYSEXPLANATION )) Then
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If  

  ' WMI Connect
  If( Not wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, objWMIService, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If
  CheckQueueLength  = checkQueueLengthWMI( objWMIService, strHost, strQueue, nMaxLength, SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION )

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // --- Private Functions section ---
' // Private functions names should start with a lower case character, so they 
' // will not be listed in the Network Monitor's function browser.
' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkQueueLengthWMI( objWMIService, strHost, strQueue, nMaxLength, BYREF strSysData, BYREF strSysExplanation )

  Dim objQueue, collQueues, nQueueLength, nQueueBytes, nPos, strQueueName

  checkQueueLengthWMI    = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value

On Error Resume Next

  Set collQueues         = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "select * from Win32_PerfRawData_MSMQ_MSMQQueue" ) 
  If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
    strSysData         = ""
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to query Win32_PerfRawData_MSMQ_MSMQQueue on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If
  If( collQueues.Count <= 0  ) Then
    strSysData         = ""
    strSysExplanation  = "Win32_PerfRawData_MSMQ_MSMQQueue class does not exist on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If

On Error Goto 0

  For Each objQueue in collQueues
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      checkQueueLengthWMI= retvalUnknown
      strSysExplanation  = "Unable to list queues on computer [" & strHost & "]"
      Exit Function 
    End If

    ' NOTE: objQueue.Name is formatted like this: Server01\Private$\AdminQueue$
    ' However, we cannot use Server01 because hte user may have specified localhost, or as computername
    ' So now, filter the queuename by stripping the 
    nPos = Instr( objQueue.Name, "\" )
    strQueueName = Mid( objQueue.Name, nPos + 1 )

    If( UCase( strQueueName ) = UCase( strQueue ) ) Then
      nQueueLength       = objQueue.MessagesInQueue
      nQueueBytes        = objQueue.BytesInQueue

      strSysData         = nQueueLength
      strSysExplanation  = "Queue length=[" & nQueueLength & "], maximum allowed=[" & nMaxLength & "]"

      If( nQueueLength > nMaxLength ) Then
        checkQueueLengthWMI = False 
        checkQueueLengthWMI = True 
      End If  

      Exit Function
    End If

  checkQueueLengthWMI = False
  strSysExplanation   = "Queue [" & strQueue & "] is not found on computer [" & strHost & "]"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, BYREF strAltLogin, BYREF strAltPassword, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

  Dim objNMServerCredentials
  strAltLogin = ""
  strAltPassword = ""
  strSysExplanation = ""
  getCredentials  = False    
  If( strAltCredentials = "" ) Then
    ' No alternate credentials specified, so login and password are empty and service credentials will be used
    getCredentials = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  Set objNMServerCredentials = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.NMServerCredentials" )

  strAltLogin           = objNMServerCredentials.GetLogin( strAltCredentials )
  strAltPassword        = objNMServerCredentials.GetPassword( strAltCredentials )

  If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then
    getCredentials      = False
    strSysExplanation = "No alternate credentials defined for [" & strAltCredentials & "]. In the Manager application, select 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu and select the 'Server Credentials' tab to enter alternate credentials"
    Exit Function
  End If   

  getCredentials = True 

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, BYREF objWMIService, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

  Dim objSWbemLocator, colItems
  Dim bConnectResult

  wmiConnect         = False
  Set objWMIService  = Nothing
  If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then	
    ' Connect to remote host on same domain using same security context
On Error Resume Next    
    Set objWMIService     = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strHost &"\root\cimv2" )
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If
On Error Goto 0    
    ' Connect to remote host using different security context and/or different domain 
On Error Resume Next        
    Set objSWbemLocator   = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
    Set objWMIService     = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer( strHost, "root\cimv2", strAltLogin, strAltPassword )

    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If

    objWMIService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
On Error Goto 0    
  End If

  If( Not bConnectResult ) Then
    Set objWMIService  = Nothing
    wmiConnect         = False
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to connect to [" & strHost & "]. Possible reasons: no WMI installed on the remote server, firewall blocking WMI calls, login failure, or remote server down"
    Exit Function
  End If    
  wmiConnect = True 
End Function