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msindexserver.vbs - vbscript script by ActiveXperts Software

msindexserver.vbs checks whether MS Index Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.

Use msindexserver.vbs directly from ActiveXperts Network Monitor; in the Manager's 'Monitor' menu, select 'New Check (Script)' and select msindexserver.vbs. Configure the required parameter, or press 'Load a working sample'.

In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.

msindexserver.vbs script code

' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // ActiveXperts Network Monitor  - VBScript based checks
' // For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor and VBScript, visit
' //
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Option Explicit

' Declaration of global variables
Dim   SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION   ' SYSDATA is displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager; SYSEXPLANATION in the 'LastResponse' column

' Constants - return values
Const retvalUnknown = 1         ' ActiveXperts Network Monitor functions should always return True (-1, Success), False (0, Error) or retvalUnknown (1, Uncertain)

' Constants - indexes used in arrays
Const idxServiceShortname = 0  ' 
Const idxServiceLongname  = 1
Const idxPerfObject = 0
Const idxPerfContext = 1
Const idxPerfItem = 2
Const idxPerfCondition = 3

' // To test a function outside Network Monitor (e.g. using CSCRIPT from the
' // command line), remove the comment character (') in the following lines:
' Dim bResult
' bResult =  CheckIndexServer( "localhost", "" )
' WScript.Echo "Return value: [" & bResult & "]"
' WScript.Echo "SYSDATA: [" & SYSDATA & "]"

Function CheckIndexServer( strHost, strAltCredentials )
' Description: 
'     Checks if MS Index Server is running; it checks the MS Index Server services ans MS Index Server processes
' Parameters:
'     1) strHost As String - Hostname or IP address of the server you want to check
'     2) strAltCredentials As String - Specify an empty string to use Network Monitor service credentials.
'         To use alternate credentials, enter a server that is defined in Server Credentials table.
'         (To define Server Credentials, choose Tools->Options->Server Credentials)
' Usage:
'     CheckIndexServer( "<Hostname | IP>", "<Empty String | Server>" )
' Sample:
'     CheckIndexServer( "localhost", "" )

  Dim strAltLogin, strAltPassword
  Dim objWMIService
  Dim lstServices, lstProcesses, lstPerfCounters
  Dim numResult

  CheckIndexServer  = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value, and will be shown as a yellow (uncertain) icon in the Manager
  SYSDATA         = ""             ' SYSDATA displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager          
  SYSEXPLANATION  = ""             ' SYSEXPLANATION displayed in the 'LastResponse' column in the Manager
  strAltLogin     = ""
  strAltPassword  = ""

  ' Retrieve product processes/services/performance-counters list
  If( Not getSoftwareInfo( "", lstServices, lstProcesses, lstPerfCounters, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If   
  ' If alternate credentials are specified, retrieve the alternate login and password from the ActiveXperts global settings
  If( strAltCredentials <> "" ) Then	
    If( Not getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, SYSEXPLANATION )) Then
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If
  ' WMI Connect
  If( Not wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, objWMIService, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If
  ' Check services
  numResult = checkServices( objWMIService, strHost, lstServices, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckIndexServer  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If
  ' Check processes
  numResult = checkProcesses( objWMIService, strHost, lstProcesses, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckIndexServer  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If
  ' Check performance counters
  numResult = checkPerfCounters( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, lstPerfCounters, SYSEXPLANATION )     
  If( numResult <> True ) Then
    CheckIndexServer  = numResult
    Exit Function      
  End If  

  CheckIndexServer  = True
  SYSEXPLANATION = "All services, processes and counters successfully checked" 
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // --- Private Functions section ---
' // Private functions names should start with a lower case character, so they 
' // will not be listed in the Network Monitor's function browser.
' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function getSoftwareInfo( strVersion, BYREF lstServices, BYREF lstProcesses, BYREF lstPerfCounters, strSysExplanation )
' // Retrieve services, processes and counters associated to the specific version of the software. Entries that start 
' // with '!' are optional services/processes/counters and are not checked by deault. Remove '!' mark to enable monitoring those items.

' strVersion is not used, no different AD versions
  getSoftwareInfo   = True 
  strSysExplanation = ""
  lstServices = array( array( "CISVC", "Indexing Service" ) )
  lstProcesses = array( "cisvc.exe", "certsrv.exe", "cidaemon.exe" )
  lstPerfCounters = array( array( "", "", "", "" ) )
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkServices( objWMIService, strHost, lstCheckServices, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim lstAllServices, arrCheckService

  checkServices   = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation  = "Unable to check for services on this machine"
  ' Get the services list
  If( Not retrieveServicesList( objWMIService, strHost, lstAllServices, strExplanation ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If 

  ' Check services - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each arrCheckService in lstCheckServices
    If( arrCheckService( idxServiceShortname) <> "" And Left( arrCheckService( idxServiceShortname ), 1 ) <> "!" ) Then  
      If( Not isServiceRunning( lstAllServices, arrCheckService(idxServiceShortname), arrCheckService(idxServiceLongname), strExplanation ) ) Then	
        checkServices = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  checkServices  = True
  strExplanation   = "Services are running"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkProcesses( objWMIService, strHost, lstCheckProcesses, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim lstAllProcesses, strCheckProcess

  checkProcesses  = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation  = "Unable to check for processes on this machine"
  ' Get the processes list
  If( Not retrieveProcessesList( objWMIService, strHost, lstAllProcesses, strExplanation ) ) Then
    Exit Function
  End If  
  ' Check processes - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each strCheckProcess in lstCheckProcesses
    If( strCheckProcess <> "" And Left( strCheckProcess, 1 ) <> "!" ) Then 
      If( Not isProcessRunning( lstAllProcesses, strCheckProcess, strExplanation ) ) Then
        checkProcesses = False
        Exit Function
      End If
    End If
  checkProcesses  = True
  strExplanation   = "Processes are running"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function checkPerfCounters( strHost, strAltUserName, strAltPassword, lstCheckPerfCounters, BYREF strExplanation )

  Dim objPerf, strPerfPath, numPerfValue
  Dim lstAllServices, arrCheckPerfCounter
  Dim strEval, bCompareResult

  checkPerfCounters   = retvalUnknown  ' Default return value
  strExplanation   = "Unable to check for performance counters on this machine"
  ' Load the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Perfomance object
  Set objPerf = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.NMPerf" )
  ' Initialze Performance object. Optional parameter: a log file, for debugging purposes
  objPerf.Initialize( "" )
  If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
    checkPerfCounters  = retvalUnknown
    SYSDATA         = ""
    SYSEXPLANATION  = "Failed to initialize performance object."
    Exit Function
  End If 
  ' Connect. If strAltUserName is empty, the service credentials will be used
  objPerf.Connect strHost, strAltUserName, strAltPassword
  If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
    checkPerfCounters  = retvalUnknown
    SYSDATA         = ""
    SYSEXPLANATION  = "Failed to check performance counters (connect failed)."
    Exit Function
  End If    
  ' Check performance counters - only those that are not disabled by a leading '!'
  For Each arrCheckPerfCounter in lstCheckPerfCounters
    If( arrCheckPerfCounter( idxPerfObject ) <> "" And Left( arrCheckPerfCounter( idxPerfObject ), 1 ) <> "!" ) Then  
      ' Build the Peformance path
      strPerfPath = objPerf.BuildPath( strHost, arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfObject), arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfContext), arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfItem) )
      ' Get integer value. If floating point is expected, use GetDoubleValue instead
      numPerfValue = objPerf.GetIntegerValue( strPerfPath )
      If( objPerf.LastError <> 0 ) Then
        checkPerfCounters  = False
        SYSDATA         = ""
        SYSEXPLANATION  = "Performance Counter [" & strPerfPath & "] is not installed"
        Exit Function
      End If    
      strEval = numPerfValue & " " & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfCondition)
      bCompareResult = Eval( strEval )
      If( Not bCompareResult ) Then
        checkPerfCounters  = False      
        SYSDATA         = numPerfValue
        SYSEXPLANATION  = "Performance Counter [" & strPerfPath & "], Condition[" & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfItem) & arrCheckPerfCounter(idxPerfCondition) & "] failed, Current Value=[" & numPerfValue & "]"
        Exit Function        
      End If
    End If

  checkPerfCounters  = True
  strExplanation   = "Performance counters checked"

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function retrieveServicesList( objWMIService, strHost, BYREF lstServices, BYREF strSysExplanation )
  ' Retrieve the list of running services	

  retrieveServicesList = False
  Set lstServices      = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

  Set lstServices      = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Service" )
  If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to query WMI class on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If
On Error Goto 0
  If( lstServices.Count <= 0  ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Win32_Service class does not exist on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If 

  retrieveServicesList = True
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function retrieveProcessesList( objWMIService, strHost, BYREF lstProcesses, BYREF strSysExplanation )
  ' Retrieve the list of running services	
  retrieveProcessesList = False
  Set lstProcesses      = Nothing

On Error Resume Next

  Set lstProcesses      = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process" )  
  If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to query WMI class on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If
On Error Goto 0

  If( lstProcesses.Count <= 0  ) Then
    strSysExplanation  = "Win32_Process class does not exist on computer [" & strHost & "]"
    Exit Function
  End If 

  retrieveProcessesList = True    
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function isServiceRunning( BYREF lstServices, strServiceName, strServiceDescription, BYREF strExplanation )
' Check if a given service exists as running service in the services list
  Dim objService
  For Each objService in lstServices			 
    ' Check If this is the service we are looking for
    If( LCase( objService.Name ) = LCase( strServiceName ) ) Then				
      If( objService.State = "Running" ) Then
        isServiceRunning = True        
        strExplanation   = "Service [" & strServiceDescription & "] service is not running"    
        isServiceRunning = False   
      End If
      Exit Function
    End If
  ' The service was not found, show an error message
  strExplanation           = "Service [" & strServiceDescription & "] is not installed"    
  isServiceRunning         = False

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function isProcessRunning( BYREF lstProcesses, strProcess, BYREF strExplanation )
' Check if a given process exists as running process in the processes list
  Dim objProcess
  For Each objProcess in lstProcesses			
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      isProcessRunning  = retvalUnknown
      strExplanation    = "Unable to list processes" 
      Exit Function
    End If	 
    ' Check If this is the service we are looking for
    If( LCase( objProcess.Name ) = LCase( strProcess ) ) Then				
      isProcessRunning  = True
      Exit Function
    End If
  ' The process was not found, show an error message
  strExplanation            = "Process [" & strProcess & "] is not running"    
  isProcessRunning          = False
End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function getCredentials( strHost, strAltCredentials, BYREF strAltLogin, BYREF strAltPassword, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

    Dim objNMServerCredentials
    strAltLogin = ""
    strAltPassword = ""
    strSysExplanation = ""
    getCredentials  = False    
    If( strAltCredentials = "" ) Then
      ' No alternate credentials specified, so login and password are empty and service credentials will be used
      getCredentials = True
      Exit Function
    End If
    Set objNMServerCredentials = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.NMServerCredentials" )

    strAltLogin           = objNMServerCredentials.GetLogin( strAltCredentials )
    strAltPassword        = objNMServerCredentials.GetPassword( strAltCredentials )

    If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then
      getCredentials      = False
      strSysExplanation = "No alternate credentials defined for [" & strAltCredentials & "]. In the Manager application, select 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu and select the 'Server Credentials' tab to enter alternate credentials"
      Exit Function
    End If   

    getCredentials = True 

End Function

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Function wmiConnect( strHost, strAltLogin, strAltPassword, BYREF objWMIService, BYREF strSysExplanation )	

  Dim objSWbemLocator, colItems
  Dim bConnectResult

  wmiConnect         = False
  Set objWMIService  = Nothing
  If( strAltLogin = "" ) Then	
    ' Connect to remote host on same domain using same security context
On Error Resume Next    
    Set objWMIService     = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strHost &"\root\cimv2" )
    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If
On Error Goto 0    
    ' Connect to remote host using different security context and/or different domain 
On Error Resume Next        
    Set objSWbemLocator   = CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" )
    Set objWMIService     = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer( strHost, "root\cimv2", strAltLogin, strAltPassword )

    If( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
      bConnectResult = False
      bConnectResult = True
    End If

    objWMIService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
On Error Goto 0    
  End If

  If( Not bConnectResult ) Then
    Set objWMIService  = Nothing
    wmiConnect         = False
    strSysExplanation  = "Unable to connect to [" & strHost & "]. Possible reasons: no WMI installed on the remote server, firewall blocking WMI calls, login failure, or remote server down"
    Exit Function
  End If    
  wmiConnect = True 
End Function