Win32_PerfRawData_InetInfo_InternetInformationServicesGlobal python sample code
The foundations for Manageability in Windows is Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI; formerly WBEM) and WMI extensions for Windows Driver Model (WDM).
ActiveXperts Network Monitor provides the ability to build monitor check routines based on WMI. ActiveXperts has collected more than a hundred WMI samples. You can use these samples as a base for new check routines you can write yourself. The Win32_PerfRawData_InetInfo_InternetInformationServicesGlobal WMI class can be used in ActiveXperts Network Monitor to monitor your servers.
The Win32_PerfFormattedData_InetInfo_InternetInformationServicesGlobal "cooked" data performance counter class represents calculated counters that monitor Internet Information Services (the Web service and the FTP service) as a whole. This class is found only on server operating systems. This class is found only on server operating systems. This class is shown as the Internet Information Services Global object in System Monitor. The WMI source of its data is the high-performance Cooked Counter Provider. This class derives its raw data from the corresponding raw class Win32_PerfRawData_InetInfo_InternetInformationServicesGlobal. The original data source is the InetInfo performance library. This class was added for Windows XP.
Sample Code
import win32com.client def WMIDateStringToDate(dtmDate): strDateTime = "" if (dtmDate[4] == 0): strDateTime = dtmDate[5] + '/' else: strDateTime = dtmDate[4] + dtmDate[5] + '/' if (dtmDate[6] == 0): strDateTime = strDateTime + dtmDate[7] + '/' else: strDateTime = strDateTime + dtmDate[6] + dtmDate[7] + '/' strDateTime = strDateTime + dtmDate[0] + dtmDate[1] + dtmDate[2] + dtmDate[3] + " " + dtmDate[8] + dtmDate[9] + ":" + dtmDate[10] + dtmDate[11] +':' + dtmDate[12] + dtmDate[13] return strDateTime strComputer = "." objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2") colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_InetInfo_InternetInformationServicesGlobal") for objItem in colItems: if objItem.ActiveFlushedEntries != None: print "ActiveFlushedEntries:" + ` objItem.ActiveFlushedEntries` if objItem.BLOBCacheFlushes != None: print "BLOBCacheFlushes:" + ` objItem.BLOBCacheFlushes` if objItem.BLOBCacheHits != None: print "BLOBCacheHits:" + ` objItem.BLOBCacheHits` if objItem.BLOBCacheHitsPercent != None: print "BLOBCacheHitsPercent:" + ` objItem.BLOBCacheHitsPercent` if objItem.BLOBCacheHitsPercent_Base != None: print "BLOBCacheHitsPercent_Base:" + ` objItem.BLOBCacheHitsPercent_Base` if objItem.BLOBCacheMisses != None: print "BLOBCacheMisses:" + ` objItem.BLOBCacheMisses` if objItem.Caption != None: print "Caption:" + ` objItem.Caption` if objItem.CurrentBLOBsCached != None: print "CurrentBLOBsCached:" + ` objItem.CurrentBLOBsCached` if objItem.CurrentBlockedAsyncIORequests != None: print "CurrentBlockedAsyncIORequests:" + ` objItem.CurrentBlockedAsyncIORequests` if objItem.CurrentFileCacheMemoryUsage != None: print "CurrentFileCacheMemoryUsage:" + ` objItem.CurrentFileCacheMemoryUsage` if objItem.CurrentFilesCached != None: print "CurrentFilesCached:" + ` objItem.CurrentFilesCached` if objItem.CurrentURIsCached != None: print "CurrentURIsCached:" + ` objItem.CurrentURIsCached` if objItem.Description != None: print "Description:" + ` objItem.Description` if objItem.FileCacheFlushes != None: print "FileCacheFlushes:" + ` objItem.FileCacheFlushes` if objItem.FileCacheHits != None: print "FileCacheHits:" + ` objItem.FileCacheHits` if objItem.FileCacheHitsPercent != None: print "FileCacheHitsPercent:" + ` objItem.FileCacheHitsPercent` if objItem.FileCacheHitsPercent_Base != None: print "FileCacheHitsPercent_Base:" + ` objItem.FileCacheHitsPercent_Base` if objItem.FileCacheMisses != None: print "FileCacheMisses:" + ` objItem.FileCacheMisses` if objItem.Frequency_Object != None: print "Frequency_Object:" + ` objItem.Frequency_Object` if objItem.Frequency_PerfTime != None: print "Frequency_PerfTime:" + ` objItem.Frequency_PerfTime` if objItem.Frequency_Sys100NS != None: print "Frequency_Sys100NS:" + ` objItem.Frequency_Sys100NS` if objItem.MaximumFileCacheMemoryUsage != None: print "MaximumFileCacheMemoryUsage:" + ` objItem.MaximumFileCacheMemoryUsage` if objItem.MeasuredAsyncIOBandwidthUsage != None: print "MeasuredAsyncIOBandwidthUsage:" + ` objItem.MeasuredAsyncIOBandwidthUsage` if objItem.Name != None: print "Name:" + ` objItem.Name` if objItem.Timestamp_Object != None: print "Timestamp_Object:" + ` objItem.Timestamp_Object` if objItem.Timestamp_PerfTime != None: print "Timestamp_PerfTime:" + ` objItem.Timestamp_PerfTime` if objItem.Timestamp_Sys100NS != None: print "Timestamp_Sys100NS:" + ` objItem.Timestamp_Sys100NS` if objItem.TotalAllowedAsyncIORequests != None: print "TotalAllowedAsyncIORequests:" + ` objItem.TotalAllowedAsyncIORequests` if objItem.TotalBLOBsCached != None: print "TotalBLOBsCached:" + ` objItem.TotalBLOBsCached` if objItem.TotalBlockedAsyncIORequests != None: print "TotalBlockedAsyncIORequests:" + ` objItem.TotalBlockedAsyncIORequests` if objItem.TotalFilesCached != None: print "TotalFilesCached:" + ` objItem.TotalFilesCached` if objItem.TotalFlushedBLOBs != None: print "TotalFlushedBLOBs:" + ` objItem.TotalFlushedBLOBs` if objItem.TotalFlushedFiles != None: print "TotalFlushedFiles:" + ` objItem.TotalFlushedFiles` if objItem.TotalFlushedURIs != None: print "TotalFlushedURIs:" + ` objItem.TotalFlushedURIs` if objItem.TotalRejectedAsyncIORequests != None: print "TotalRejectedAsyncIORequests:" + ` objItem.TotalRejectedAsyncIORequests` if objItem.TotalURIsCached != None: print "TotalURIsCached:" + ` objItem.TotalURIsCached` if objItem.URICacheFlushes != None: print "URICacheFlushes:" + ` objItem.URICacheFlushes` if objItem.URICacheHits != None: print "URICacheHits:" + ` objItem.URICacheHits` if objItem.URICacheHitsPercent != None: print "URICacheHitsPercent:" + ` objItem.URICacheHitsPercent` if objItem.URICacheHitsPercent_Base != None: print "URICacheHitsPercent_Base:" + ` objItem.URICacheHitsPercent_Base` if objItem.URICacheMisses != None: print "URICacheMisses:" + ` objItem.URICacheMisses`