Win32_1394Controller powershell sample code
The foundations for Manageability in Windows is Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI; formerly WBEM) and WMI extensions for Windows Driver Model (WDM).
ActiveXperts Network Monitor provides the ability to build monitor check routines based on WMI. ActiveXperts has collected more than a hundred WMI samples. You can use these samples as a base for new check routines you can write yourself. The Win32_1394Controller WMI class can be used in ActiveXperts Network Monitor to monitor your servers.
The Win32_1394Controller WMI class represents the capabilities and management of a 1394 controller. IEEE 1394 is a specification for a high speed serial bus.
Sample Code
# wmi-win32_1394Controller.ps1 # Demonstrates use of Win32_1394Controller WMI class # Thomas Lee - function Get-Availability { param ([uint16] $char) # Helper function to return characterics of the 1394 Controller # parse and return values If ($char -ge 1 -and $char -le 17) { switch ($char) { 1 {"01-Other"} 2 {"02-Unkown"} 3 {"03-Running/Full Power"} 4 {"04-Warning"} 5 {"05-In Test"} 6 {"06-Not Applicable"} 7 {"07-POwer Off"} 8 {"08-Off Line"} 9 {"09-Off Duty"} 10 {"10-Degraded"} 11 {"11-Not Installed"} 12 {"12-InstallError"} 13 {"13-Power Save - Unknown"} 14 {"14-Power Save - Low Power Mode"} 15 {"15-Power Save - Standby"} 16 {"16-Power Cycle"} 17 {"17-Power Save - Warning"} } } Else {"{0} - invalid code" -f $char} Return } # Get Controller information from WMI $controllers = Get-WMIObject Win32_1394Controller # Display Details "Win32_1394 WMI Information" "--------------------------" $count=$controllers.count if (!$count) {$count++} "{0} 1394 controller(s) found" -f $count "" "Controller {0} - Characteristics" -f ++$i "--------------------------------" foreach ($cont in $controllers) { $avail=Get-Availability($cont.availability) "Availability : {0}" -f $avail "Caption : {0}" -f $cont.caption "Config Manager Error Code : {0}" -f $cont.ConfigManagerErrorCode "Config Manager User Config : {0}" -f $cont.ConfigManagerUserConfig "Creation Class Name : {0}" -f $cont.CreationClassName "Description : {0}" -f $cont.Description "Device ID : {0}" -f $cont.DeviceID "Error Cleared : {0}" -f $cont.ErrorCleared "Error Description : {0}" -f $cont.ErrorDescription "InstallDate : {0}" -f $cont.InstallDate "Last Error Code : {0}" -f $cont.LastErrorCode "Manufacturer : {0}" -f $cont.Manufacturer "MaxNumberControlled : {0}" -f $cont.MaxNumberControlled "Name : {0}" -f $cont.Name "PNPDeviceID : {0}" -f $cont.PNPDeviceId "PowerManagementCapabilities : {0}" -f $cont.PowerManagementCapabilities "PowerManagementSupported : {0}" -f $cont.PowerManagementSupported "Protocols Supported : {0}" -f $cont.ProtocolsSupported "Status : {0}" -f $cont.Status "Status Information : {0}" -f $cont.StatusInfo "System Creation Class Name : {0}" -f $cont.SystemCreationClassName "System Name : {0}" -f $cont.SystemName "Time of Last Reset : {0}" -f $cont.TimeOfLastReset "" }