Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler python sample code
The foundations for Manageability in Windows is Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI; formerly WBEM) and WMI extensions for Windows Driver Model (WDM).
ActiveXperts Network Monitor provides the ability to build monitor check routines based on WMI. ActiveXperts has collected more than a hundred WMI samples. You can use these samples as a base for new check routines you can write yourself. The Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler WMI class can be used in ActiveXperts Network Monitor to monitor your servers.
Sample Code
from win32com.client import GetObject objWMI = GetObject('winmgmts:').InstancesOf('Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue') for obj in objWMI: if obj.AddNetworkPrinterCalls != None: print("AddNetworkPrinterCalls:" + str(obj.AddNetworkPrinterCalls)) if obj.BytesPrintedPersec != None: print("BytesPrintedPersec:" + str(obj.BytesPrintedPersec)) if obj.Caption != None: print("Caption:" + str(obj.Caption)) if obj.Description != None: print("Description:" + str(obj.Description)) if obj.EnumerateNetworkPrinterCalls != None: print("EnumerateNetworkPrinterCalls:" + str(obj.EnumerateNetworkPrinterCalls)) if obj.Frequency_Object != None: print("Frequency_Object:" + str(obj.Frequency_Object)) if obj.Frequency_PerfTime != None: print("Frequency_PerfTime:" + str(obj.Frequency_PerfTime)) if obj.Frequency_Sys100NS != None: print("Frequency_Sys100NS:" + str(obj.Frequency_Sys100NS)) if obj.JobErrors != None: print("JobErrors:" + str(obj.JobErrors)) if obj.Jobs != None: print("Jobs:" + str(obj.Jobs)) if obj.JobsSpooling != None: print("JobsSpooling:" + str(obj.JobsSpooling)) if obj.MaxJobsSpooling != None: print("MaxJobsSpooling:" + str(obj.MaxJobsSpooling)) if obj.MaxReferences != None: print("MaxReferences:" + str(obj.MaxReferences)) if obj.Name != None: print("Name:" + str(obj.Name)) if obj.NotReadyErrors != None: print("NotReadyErrors:" + str(obj.NotReadyErrors)) if obj.OutofPaperErrors != None: print("OutofPaperErrors:" + str(obj.OutofPaperErrors)) if obj.References != None: print("References:" + str(obj.References)) if obj.Timestamp_Object != None: print("Timestamp_Object:" + str(obj.Timestamp_Object)) if obj.Timestamp_PerfTime != None: print("Timestamp_PerfTime:" + str(obj.Timestamp_PerfTime)) if obj.Timestamp_Sys100NS != None: print("Timestamp_Sys100NS:" + str(obj.Timestamp_Sys100NS)) if obj.TotalJobsPrinted != None: print("TotalJobsPrinted:" + str(obj.TotalJobsPrinted)) if obj.TotalPagesPrinted != None: print("TotalPagesPrinted:" + str(obj.TotalPagesPrinted)) print("") print("########") print("")