List IIS IP Address and Domain Restrictions
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject _ ("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\microsoftiisv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from IIsIPSecuritySetting") For Each objItem in colItems Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objItem.Name For Each strDeny in objItem.DomainDeny Wscript.Echo "Domain Deny: " & strDeny Next For Each strGrant in objItem.DomainGrant Wscript.Echo "Domain Grant: " & strGrant Next Wscript.Echo "Grant By Default: " & objItem.GrantByDefault For Each strDeny in objItem.IPDeny Wscript.Echo "IP Deny: " & strDeny Next For Each strGrant in objItem.IPGrant Wscript.Echo "IP Grant: " & strGrant Next Next