List Fax Server Receipt Options
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
Set objFaxServer = CreateObject("FaxComEx.FaxServer") objFaxServer.Connect "atl-dc-02" Set objReceiptOptions = objFaxServer.ReceiptOptions Wscript.Echo "Allowed receipts: " & _ objReceiptOptions.AllowedReceipts Wscript.Echo "Authentication type: " & _ objReceiptOptions.AuthenticationType Wscript.Echo "SMTP password: " & objReceiptOptions.SMTPPassword Wscript.Echo "SMTP port: " & objReceiptOptions.SMTPPort Wscript.Echo "SMTP sender: " & objReceiptOptions.SMTPSender Wscript.Echo "SMTP server: " & objReceiptOptions.SMTPServer Wscript.Echo "SMTP user: " & objReceiptOptions.SMTPUser Wscript.Echo "Use for inbound routing: " & _ objReceiptOptions.UseForInboundRouting