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Retrieving Document Property Information

You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.


Set objPropertyReader = CreateObject("DSOleFile.PropertyReader")
Set objDocument = objPropertyReader.GetDocumentProperties _

Wscript.Echo "Application name: " & objDocument.AppName
Wscript.Echo "Author: " & objDocument.Author
Wscript.Echo "Byte count: " & objDocument.ByteCount
Wscript.Echo "Category: " & objDocument.Category
Wscript.Echo "Character count: " & objDocument.CharacterCount
Wscript.Echo "Character count with spaces: " & _
Wscript.Echo "CLSID: " & objDocument.CLSID
Wscript.Echo "Comments: " & objDocument.Comments
Wscript.Echo "Company: " & objDocument.Company
Set colCustomProperties = objDocument.CustomProperties
For Each strProperty in colCustomProperties
    Wscript.Echo vbTab & strProperty.Name & ": " & strProperty.Value
Wscript.Echo "Date created: " & objDocument.DateCreated
Wscript.Echo "Date last printed: " & objDocument.DateLastPrinted
Wscript.Echo "Date last saved: " & objDocument.DateLastSaved
Wscript.Echo "Has macros: " & objDocument.HasMacros
Wscript.Echo "Hidden slides: " & objDocument.HiddenSlides
Wscript.Echo "Icon: " & objDocument.Icon
Wscript.Echo "Is read only: " & objDocument.IsReadOnly
Wscript.Echo "Keywords" & objDocument.Keywords
Wscript.Echo "Last edited by: " & objDocument.LastEditedBy
Wscript.Echo "Line count: " & objDocument.LineCount
Wscript.Echo "Location: " & objDocument.Location
Wscript.Echo "Manager: " & objDocument.Manager
Wscript.Echo "Multimedia clips: " & objDocument.MultimediaClips
Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objDocument.Name
Wscript.Echo "Page count: " & objDocument.PageCount
Wscript.Echo "Paragraph count: " & objDocument.ParagraphCount
Wscript.Echo "Presentation format: " & objDocument.PresentationFormat
Wscript.Echo "Presentation notes: " & objDocument.PresentationNotes
Wscript.Echo "ProgID: " & objDocument.ProgID
Wscript.Echo "Revision number: " & objDocument.RevisionNumber
Wscript.Echo "Slide count: " & objDocument.SlideCount
Wscript.Echo "Subject: " & objDocument.Subject
Wscript.Echo "Template: " & objDocument.Template
Wscript.Echo "Thumbnail: " & objDocument.Thumbnail
Wscript.Echo "Title: " & objDocument.Title
Wscript.Echo "Version: " & objDocument.Version
Wscript.Echo "Word count: " & objDocument.WordCount