Register-ScheduledJob - Powershell 4.0 CmdLet
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Short description Creates a new scheduled job. Syntax Description The Register-ScheduledJob cmdlet creates scheduled jobs on the local computer. A "scheduled job" is a Windows PowerShell background job that can be started automatically on a one-time or recurring schedule. Scheduled jobs are stored on disk and registered in Task Scheduler, so they can be managed in Task Scheduler or by using the Scheduled Job cmdlets in Windows PowerShell. When a scheduled job starts, it creates an "instance" of the scheduled job. Scheduled job instances are identical to Windows PowerShell background jobs, except that the results are saved on disk. Use the Job cmdlets, such as Start-Job, Get-Job, and Receive-Job to start, view, and get the results of the job instances. Use Register-ScheduledJob to create a new scheduled job. To specify the commands that the scheduled job runs, use the ScriptBlock parameter; to specify a script that the job runs, use the FilePath parameter. Windows PowerShell scheduled jobs use the same job triggers and job options that Task Scheduler uses for scheduled tasks. The Trigger parameter of Register-ScheduledJob adds one or more job triggers that start the job. The Trigger parameter is optional, so you can add triggers when you create the scheduled job, add job triggers later, add the RunNow parameter to start the job immediately, use the Start-Job cmdlet to start the job immediately at any time, or save the untriggered scheduled job as a template for other jobs. The Options parameter lets you customize the options settings for the scheduled job. The Options parameter is also optional, so you can set job options when you create the scheduled job or change them at any time. Because job option settings can prevent the scheduled job from running, review the job options and set them carefully. Register-ScheduledJob is one of a collection of job scheduling cmdlets in the PSScheduledJob module that is included in Windows PowerShell. For more information about Scheduled Jobs, see the About topics in the PSScheduledJob module. Import the PSScheduledJob module and then type: Get-Help about_Scheduled* or see about_Scheduled_Jobs. This cmdlet is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.