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Select-Object - Powershell 1.0 CmdLet

ActiveXperts Network Monitor ships with integrated Powershell scripts to monitor complex network. The scripts run out of the box
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Select properties of objects.



Display only the name, ID and Working Set(WS) properties of Get-Process:

PS C:\>get-process | select-object ProcessName,Id,WS

Display only the Name and modules properties of Get-Process, use -ExpandProperty to display the details contained within the modules property:

PS C:\>get-process | select-object ProcessName -expandproperty modules | format-list

Display the 5 processes that are using the most memory (WS=Working Set):

PS C:\>get-process | sort-object -property WS | select-object -Last 5

Display the name and claculate the start day of the processes running:

PS C:\>get-process | select-object ProcessName,@{Name="Start Day"; Expression={$_.StartTime.DayOfWeek}}