Add-Content - Powershell 1.0 CmdLet
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Description Get content from item (specific location) Usage Options Example(s) 1) Add a text string to the end of every .TXT file in the current directory: C:\PS>add-content -path *.txt -value "This is the end" 2) Add the content of the file Cats.txt to the end of the file Pets.txt: C:\PS>add-content -path pets.txt -value (get-content c:\docs\cats.txt) The parentheses above insure Get-Content can complete before the Add-Content starts. We specify -value to pass the contents of the file (rather than an object.) 3) Add the current date to a logfile: C:\PS>add-content -Path MyLogfile.txt -Value (get-date) -passthru The -passthru option will display the content as it is added, it actually passes an object through the pipeline, which by default is passed back to the command line.